TRAVERSE Global v11.1

Freeze Quantities

Use the Freeze Quantities function to create a batch code, to select the data to include in the batch, to prepare the batch, and to freeze on-hand quantities in the batch before you begin the physical count process. You can also perform physical counts based on the default bin you have set up in the system if you set the option to 'Yes' in the IN business rules.

Do not freeze quantities until you have made all the adjustments to items.

You can not have an item in a location in multiple batches. For example if you selected item 100 from MN0001 in batch 1 and then select 100 from MN0001 for batch 2. You will get a message when you prepare batch 2 that item 100 is already in a batch.

  1. Click the New button to enter a new batch code; otherwise, select a prepared batch for which to freeze quantities from the Batch Code field.
    Note: To delete a batch code, select a batch code from the Batch Code field and click the Delete button on the toolbar.
  2. Enter a description of the batch in the Description field.
  3. Select a date on which physical quantities are counted from the Count Date field.
  4. Select the fiscal period and year from the Fiscal Period/Year fields.
  5. Select the range of location IDs to include in the batch from the Location ID From and Thru fields. Leave the fields blank to include all locations.
  6. Select the range of product lines to include in the batch from the Product Line From and Thru fields. Leave the fields blank to include all product lines.
  7. Select the range of item IDs to include in the batch from the Item ID From and Thru fields. Leave the fields blank to include all items.
  8. Select the range of ABC classes to include in the batch from the ABC Class From and Thru fields. Leave the fields blank to include all classes.
  9. Select the range of bin numbers fields to include in the batch from the Bin Number From and Thru fields. Leave the fields blank to include all bins. If you have Warehouse Management installed, the bin number from and thru fields are removed from the screen and all bins for the items will be included in your batch.
  10. Select, if applicable, the calculate quantities unit of measure method from the Calculate Quantities UOM field.
  11. Select To Display
    Reporting Quantities on the worksheet, tags, and entry screens in the unit of measure you selected as the reporting unit of measure on the unit defaults tab in the item setup.
    Base Quantities displayed on the worksheet, tags, and entry screens in the base unit of measure set up for the items.
  12. Use the Lock button to lock or unlock the batch as needed. The date, time, and user who locked the batch appear in the Lock Date and Lock By fields.
  13. Click a command button to
  14. Click To
    Prepare Batch Prepare physical inventory count records and save the batch.
    Freeze Quantity Freeze quantities for the batch. If you are working with a new batch, this button saves, prepares, and freezes the batch.